Dear Chicky,
In my last letter I made a prediction that Meb Keflezighi would win the Boston Marathon in 2010. I was wrong.
You'll find out soon enough in your life that your father may be wrong sometimes. That's OK. I'll admit to being wrong every now and then.
I was wrong about the Mets winning the World Series in 2000. They didn't. I was wrong about my winning the lottery on a number of occasions. I was wrong about me becoming a New York City Councilman by the age of 30. So, yes, my predictions are wrong sometimes.
But, I've been right on a lot of things - the important ones at least. I've been right about my choice of profession. Teaching is as fulfilling as it comes. I've been right about my being able to run and complete a marathon. Twice. I've been right with the person I chose to be my life partner - your mom.
So, yeah, I may be wrong on a few things here and there. But on the important stuff, I'm pretty dead-on. Or, very, very lucky.
I hope my luck rubs off on you, little nugget.
Eternally yours,
Your papa
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago
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