Dear Chicken Nugget,
Today you have been in the belly for 21 weeks. Hooray! We're halfway there.
You weigh about three-quarters of a pound and are about 10.5 inches long - which means you're about the size of carrot. You've been growing eyebrows and eyelids and have been very active. In fact, your mom has been feeling you flutter around a lot in the last week. I'm so excited to be able to feel you move too. Soon!
At this point we think you can hear your mom's voice so she's been talking to you a lot. Every night before bead she reads from a book called My First Book of Prayers so that you get into a bedtime routine while you're in the belly. We're hoping that these prayers have a familiar rhythm to you so that when you're born you'll be soothed by them.
My favorite so far is this one:
I see the moon,
The moon sees me;
God bless the moon,
And God bless me.
We love you.
Eternally yours,
Your papa
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago
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