Dear Chicken Nugget,
Fortunately you won't have to worry about this for about 18 years but I'm here to remind you that Tax Day is today, April 15th. And, unless there is a complete reform of our tax system, April 15th will always be the date to submit your paperwork.
For years, once I was living on my own, I submitted my stuff on or very close to April 15th. That was a big mistake. There was always a rush to find all my misplaced paperwork and get it in the mailbox on time. Since meeting your mom, I've been a lot better at this - she's really good at reminding me. And, since I started preparing the taxes myself, I've found ways to lessen the pain that Uncle Sam brings.
Jesus said, “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” (Matthew 22:21). The idea is to obey the law, pay your taxes, but also to do what God wants you to do. We can talk about the other two later, chicky, but today the lesson is to pay your taxes. There's only heartache and unending stress if you don't.
My suggestion is that you keep all important receipts, and paperwork in a folder. Once you've received all of them, do your taxes. It's that simple. If I followed this rule I should have had ours submitted back in February, but I procrastinated and completed them towards the end of March. I was three weeks ahead of the due date, but you should try and do them earlier than that.
I hope that by the time you have to deal with taxes there will have been a complete overhaul of our Tax Code. But, whether there is or isn't, always pay your taxes. And pay them early.
Rich or poor, nugget, you'll always complain about taxes. Just do'em.
Eternally yours,
Your papa
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago
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