Dear Chicken Nugget,
Yesterday I decided that I'm going to found a group that organizes active citizens - in particular, parents and teachers - in ways that makes their collective voice stronger.
Perhaps it'll still be around by the time you grow up or maybe it's just a one-time deal in response to the disastrous actions taking place in NYC. I really hope it's just temporary and that you get to grow up in a country that places education before anything else.
As of this moment, months before you're born, New York is proposing budgets that will layoff thousands of teachers, increase class sizes to 28+ students in a first grade classroom, and cut Arts, Music, and other Enrichment programs. I really hope this is not the environment you grow up in.
I would love to see you attend a school with 21 students in each class. I want you to go to a place that is fully staffed, well managed, with great community participation. I want you to have Art, Music, Dance, and Tai Chi. And, I would love to raise you in a place where education funds are never cut because the politicians in charge of these decisions fundamentally believe that you are the future and nothing is more important than educating you.
So, I may be starting something called P.E.A.K. (Parents & Educators Advocating for Kids); it depends on whether people want to join and be active. In the end, I hope it leads to a stronger voice for those that want better for our kids. But, I also hope it's something we won't need when you go to school.
I will always fight for you.
Eternally yours,
Your papa
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago
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