Dear Chicken Nugget,
The letters that follow will hopefully teach you something from my own life experiences and, where there is nothing to learn, I hope it helps explain the crazy father you have.
I decided to write these letters because I want you to have a record of our excitement and joy as we prepare for your arrival. I want you to know what your parents were like before you got to know them. I want you to know that they were young once too and have experienced many of the things you will experience. I want you to know that we loved you even before we met you.
I grew up without a father (he passed away before I was born) and I would have cherished letters from him. As I have none, I hope to give you that and more.
Someday, when you read these letters - and you'll only have access to these when you're old enough to understand them - I hope you'll chuckle at the idea that I started calling you "chicken nugget" at a time when I was basically a vegan. Your mom and I found out on New Years Day 2010 that she was pregnant. Having no clue what you looked like, how big you were, or what shape you had, I called you "chicken nugget." And whenever I talked to you through your mom's belly that's what I called you. I apologize now for whatever damage this causes on your character.
I am very much looking forward to your arrival, whenever that may be, as is your mom. We can't wait but will hopefully use the next six months wisely as we prepare.
Eternally yours,
Tu papa
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago
I love the letters to your little tempeh nugget!