Dear Chicken Nugget,
Today you are 15 weeks old in your mom's belly. Only people who know her well can tell that she has a little baby bump.
On Sunday, while at church, one of the older ladies came right up to your mom, placed her hands on your mom's belly and asked, "Are you expecting?" In the future you'll know this is a dangerous question to ask because it could be that a lady simply had too many french fries for lunch.
But, I have a feeling that the older ladies at church have been around long enough to know when it's a french fries belly and when it's a baby belly.
Your mom's belly is growing because you're growing. Right now you're about four inches long and weigh about 2.5 ounces. Inside your mom's belly, you're about the size of an apple.
So, no, you're technically not like a chicken nugget and haven't been for a while but you're stuck with the name, kid.
Soon I'll be scanning a series of drawings I've made of what I think you must look like in your mom's belly - starting from Week 8 when I kind of made you look like a Smurf.
The picture above is soooo much better than what I drew, as you will soon see. Just remember, nugget, your mom is the artist. Get your art genes from her.
Anyway, keep growing baby! Be strong, be healthy, and make your momma fat.
Eternally yours,
Your papa
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago
This has got to be the cutest blog I've encountered in a while. And I thought all the good blogs were dead. Nice writing.