Dear Chicken Nugget,
Your mom and I have been in Nebraska since Monday, visiting your Grandpa Dale and Grandma Sue. Your Aunt Sara, Uncle Jerry, and Cousin Timothy will be arriving from Madison, Wisconsin later this week to celebrate Easter with us.
You have a lot of family here. Greatgrandparents Arleen and Paul live here as well. Aunt Nancy, Uncle Brad, and Cousins Allison and Jacob live in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Personally, I love Nebraska. I told your mom that when I first met her about five years ago. I first came to Nebraska about ten years ago, to a town called Ceresco, to visit my friend John from NYU. He and his family lived on an old farm in Ceresco and we spent a few days there before heading West to Yellowstone National Park. It's on that trip that I grew to love Nebraska.
The people are incredibly friendly and there's a complete lack of noise. After meeting your mom and visiting here some more, I realized that my first impression of Nebraska was right. Friendliest people ever.
As a born and raised Brooklynite, the friendliness and calm of Nebraska was a little hard to get used to. But now, it's something I enjoy. I look forward to coming to Nebraska because it's relaxing. I think you're going to love it here.
If Grandpa Dale and Grandma Sue still live in the same house when you come visit, I think you'll enjoy playing in their backyard. You could probably spend hours out there. I'll love kicking a soccer ball out there with you.
We probably won't be back for another year but this time, we'll come back with you in our arms.
Can't wait.
Eternally yours,
Your papa
PS - Just so you know, you will be a Nebraska Cornhusker fan. You have to be - no arguing.
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago