Dear Chicken Nugget,
With big work deadlines looming a week from now, a half-marathon in ten days, family worries, and general busyness keeping me from writing you these notes, I feel like it's been forever.
There's way too much going on and it has affected my sleep and running, but there's always moments in life like this when everything seems to happen at the same time. Luckily, deadlines pass, races are run, and relaxing times are just around the corner.
In the meantime, I've been coming home and spending lots of awake time with you. I haven't been getting to work until you fall asleep - sometimes 9:30pm. Even now, it's midnight as I write this. I've been working this entire time.
Through all the work, lack of sleep, and stress, you've been giving me a beautiful gift for the last three nights. In recent weeks you've fallen asleep with your mom. But, for the last three nights, you've been falling asleep in my arms. A couple of nights ago you had fussed a little, letting us know you were starting to get tired. I put on some karaoke-versions of Michael Buble songs and sang to you while holding you and dancing with you.
As I sang, you put your head on my chest and relaxed. If I stopped singing, you lifted your head up and stared up at me until I started again. Less than three songs into it, you were out. It was adorable.
Last night it happened again, this time you were out in about a song and a half. Tonight it took about four songs but it ended with you snoring on my chest.
So, yes, I have lots of work to do. Yes, I could use more sleep. And yes, I should resign from my position on any number of extracurricular activities. But, through all that overloaded, overworked, overtired crazyness, I come home to you and your mom and get to sing you to sleep. Totally worth it.
Eternally yours,
Tu Papa
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago
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