Dear Chicken Nugget,
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and, therefore, marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is the part of the church year when Christians prepare for Holy Week through prayer, penitence, almsgiving, and self-denial.
This period lasts 40 days, excluding Sundays which celebrate the Resurrection. However, I tend to celebrate the Sundays of Lent by continuing on with my Lenten resolutions. No days off.
It's a rather serious-sounding season that I've come to really appreciate as an adult. When I was young it was fun to see what you could give up for Lent and how long it would last: ice cream, soda, TV, etc.
As an adult, I think it's even more powerful than those New Year's Resolutions I like to make (by the way, I owe you $300 already). I've come to use Lent to focus on my family, my health, and my faith. Sure, I'll still give up "fun" things like television but I'll also do things that help me focus on what's really important.
This year my Lent list includes:
- No internet (on the phone or computer) while at home and you, Nugget, are awake - unless working under a tight deadline for work
- Eat a low-fat Pescatarian diet
- Do yoga or stretch every day
- Give thanks before every meal - we've grown accustomed to only doing so before dinner
- Complete the Sunday School Year-Long Curriculum
I'm sure that when I come home tomorrow you will be transfixed by the smudge of dust on my forehead. On Ash Wednesday we are reminded that "you are dust, and unto dust you shall return." (Genesis 3:19) It's an "in your face" reminder, literally, that we are mortal.
For me, it's a reminder that there is much to do in this world before it's my turn to go. I hope a lot of that time is spent with you and your mom. No days off.
Eternally yours,
Tu papa
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago
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