Monday, March 28, 2011


Dear Chicken Nugget,

Over the last few weeks we've been hearing you vocalize like a champ.  What started like a series of random grunts and coos are becoming serious practice for making words. 

There have been exciting fast exhalations that end in a cooing smile.  And, there's the long scream-like tones that would be interpreted as anger if you were an adult.  These are my favorite because they're usually accompanied by pounding on the table.

Two days ago your mom heard you say the "b" sound over and over again.  It's your first consonant!  Yesterday, I heard it too.  Of course to me, it sounded like an actual word.  I swear you said "baby."

I think you're brilliant. 

That's all.

Eternally yours,

Tu papi

Saturday, March 26, 2011

a tooth!

Dear Chicken Nugget,

It took a couple of months but after lots of crying and chewing, your first tooth popped out on March 9, 2011. 

The second one followed just eleven days later.

Now, while most people are admiring your ridiculously cute smile...

... your mami's pain-center of the brain focuses on this...

OK, not true.  She loves you in all your cuteness.  But, I've felt your bite . . . OUCH!

Eternally yours,

Tu papa

Friday, March 25, 2011

the sleep routine - Part II

Dear Chicken Nugget,

With big work deadlines looming a week from now, a half-marathon in ten days, family worries, and general busyness keeping me from writing you these notes, I feel like it's been forever. 

There's way too much going on and it has affected my sleep and running, but there's always moments in life like this when everything seems to happen at the same time.  Luckily, deadlines pass, races are run, and relaxing times are just around the corner. 

In the meantime, I've been coming home and spending lots of awake time with you.  I haven't been getting to work until you fall asleep - sometimes 9:30pm.  Even now, it's midnight as I write this.  I've been working this entire time. 

Through all the work, lack of sleep, and stress, you've been giving me a beautiful gift for the last three nights.  In recent weeks you've fallen asleep with your mom.  But, for the last three nights, you've been falling asleep in my arms.  A couple of nights ago you had fussed a little, letting us know you were starting to get tired.  I put on some karaoke-versions of Michael Buble songs and sang to you while holding you and dancing with you. 

As I sang, you put your head on my chest and relaxed.  If I stopped singing, you lifted your head up and stared up at me until I started again.  Less than three songs into it, you were out.  It was adorable.

Last night it happened again, this time you were out in about a song and a half.  Tonight it took about four songs but it ended with you snoring on my chest.

So, yes, I have lots of work to do.  Yes, I could use more sleep.  And yes, I should resign from my position on any number of extracurricular activities.  But, through all that overloaded, overworked, overtired crazyness, I come home to you and your mom and get to sing you to sleep.  Totally worth it.

Eternally yours,

Tu Papa

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lent begins

Dear Chicken Nugget,

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and, therefore, marks the beginning of Lent.  Lent is the part of the church year when Christians prepare for Holy Week through prayer, penitence, almsgiving, and self-denial.

This period lasts 40 days, excluding Sundays which celebrate the Resurrection.  However, I tend to celebrate the Sundays of Lent by continuing on with my Lenten resolutions.  No days off.  

It's a rather serious-sounding season that I've come to really appreciate as an adult.  When I was young it was fun to see what you could give up for Lent and how long it would last: ice cream, soda, TV, etc.

As an adult, I think it's even more powerful than those New Year's Resolutions I like to make (by the way, I owe you $300 already).  I've come to use Lent to focus on my family, my health, and my faith.  Sure, I'll still give up "fun" things like television but I'll also do things that help me focus on what's really important.

This year my Lent list includes:
- No internet (on the phone or computer) while at home and you, Nugget, are awake - unless working under a tight deadline for work
- Eat a low-fat Pescatarian diet
- Do yoga or stretch every day
- Give thanks before every meal - we've grown accustomed to only doing so before dinner
- Complete the Sunday School Year-Long Curriculum

I'm sure that when I come home tomorrow you will be transfixed by the smudge of dust on my forehead.  On Ash Wednesday we are reminded that "you are dust, and unto dust you shall return." (Genesis 3:19)  It's an "in your face" reminder, literally, that we are mortal.

For me, it's a reminder that there is much to do in this world before it's my turn to go.  I hope a lot of that time is spent with you and your mom.  No days off.

Eternally yours,

Tu papa

Friday, March 4, 2011

Happy Birthday to us!

Dear Chicken Nugget,

On February 8th, your mom and I celebrated our birthday.  She and I share the same birthday, a year apart.

When your mom and I met, it was in passing. She was a coworker of two of my roommates and I was a one of four bachelor guys sharing an apartment that boasted a four foot poster of Snoop Dogg on the wall.

She would occasionally drop by for a school planning session or I would see her at a friendly poker game.  We interacted briefly, I thought she was cute and I liked that she could play poker and beat the guys, but we never really had much of a conversation.

Then, one day, at a friend's surprise birthday party she and I sat across from each other at the bar.  We were talking birthdays and she said hers was in February.  I said, "Oh yeah?  Me too.  When?"

"February 8th."

I smiled. "That's my birthday too."

As I remember it, we stared at each other for a second or two in disbelief and I made some comment about how Aquarians are the best.  And that was that.

A couple of years later I was having dinner on February 8th with her and your Grandma Betty celebrating our birthday.  A couple of years after that we were celebrating our birthday, getting ready to fly to Negril, Jamaica for our wedding.  And, three years after that... you joined us for our birthday.

Birthday dinner with Grandma Betty

The absolute best birthday gift we could ever ask for is you.

Eternally yours,

Tu papa

Thursday, March 3, 2011

February: A Month of Celebration

Dear Chicken Nugget,

I haven't written a letter to you in over a month.  Please forgive this brief time away.

There was lots going on in February that I'll be writing about in the next few weeks:
- Your mom and I celebrated our birthday on February 8th (we have the same birthday!)
- We spent our first Valentine's Day with you
- We celebrated our 3rd Anniversary on February 18th
- I spent a week at home for Mid-Winter Recess
- We watched you roll over from your back to your belly - turns out it's harder than it looks
- I saw your first tooth and then watched it vanish
- We filed our taxes two months ahead of schedule
- You ate your first food (sweet potato)
- I officially enrolled in the Libertarian Party
- We taught you your first word in baby sign language (tickle)
- You started missing your parents

This list will probably serve as a sort of preview of the letters to come.  There was so much going on in February and I spent so much great quality time with you and your mom that writing my letters to you became something I kept putting off.  Of course, there's plenty going on in March, but I need to get going again and catch up.

I'll leave you with this, tonight as I pulled out "Ve, Perro,Ve" to read to you, you recognized it (it's one of ten books we read to you every day), smiled, and laughed in excitement as I read the title.

Looks like we have your first favorite book!

Eternally yours,

Tu papa