Dear Chicken Nugget,
Yesterday afternoon you were sitting on my lap, drinking milk from a bottle, when I felt the house sway. This being New York City, I thought nothing of it, buses and trucks will make the house shake every day. However, this made me feel a little dizzy. I figured I must be hungry.
Minutes later I got a message from a co-worker that said, "Earthquake?" I had no idea what she was talking about. Then I put two and two together. I turned on the television to reports that NYC had indeed just experienced part of an earthquake.
A 5.8 magnitude earthquake originating in Virgina was felt as far away as Canada. What we felt was a 2.2. Luckily it seems to have caused very little damage and no one was hurt.
Still, it was your very first earthquake. And you survived!
Your mom, by the way, was out helping a woman with a newborn baby and felt nothing. She missed in our shared earthquake experience. But that's ok, I don't think you noticed a thing.
You finished the your bottle, watch the Mayor give a press conference, got bored by that, and started playing your ukulele.
Hoping all the earthquakes in your future are this easy,
Tu papa
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago
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