Dear Chicken Nugget,
It's been a long week! Somehow I managed to get sick at the end of the work week, just in time for our Spring break. We're flying to Madison, WI this week to visit your Aunt Sara, Uncle Jerry, and Cousin Timothy this week. Your Grandpa Dale and Grandma Sue will be there too.
I have a tendency to get sick right before vacations. I have a feeling that it's because my body knows that I'm going to have time to rest so it pushes through and doesn't give in to the bug until the last minute. Unfortunately, it ruins a couple of days of vacation for me.
I am looking forward to a few days of play time with you and your mom. As you get older and become much more aware of your surroundings, it has been an incredible experience to show you new things.
For example . . . a box! Yes, a cardboard box. Your mom placed you in one the other day and you enjoyed it tremendously. In fact, we now have a permanent cardboard box station in the kitchen for you to play in.
As we were learning about paper and boxes in kindergarten science, I decided to show my kindergarteners how you play in the box:
I recently started a Science Teacher blog called "Creating More Questions" for my students, their parents, and other science teachers. My students love it! They keep sending me emails about the website or asking questions about science via the website. In fact, two students wrote a comment about you in the box, wondering how you got in there. I'm using you to show them that kids (and some adults) learn best by playing.
Nugget, you are a non-stop playing machine right now and you're learning so much. I hope that by sharing your experience in a box we'll prompt another parent out there to put their kid in a box or prompt kids to build a fort out of the box or use the box as an imaginary boat. The possibilities are endless, the learning is limitless, and the photos are priceless.
Thank you for helping me teach science,
Tu papa
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago
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