Dear Reader,
This is my first of what may be just a handful of letters addressed to you and not my little Nugget.
I wanted to take the time to thank you for reading, for your comments, and for your support.
When I started writing this blog, it was simply a way for me to chronicle the happenings of a father-to-be and then new-father for myself, my wife, our baby, and our families. It has since extended to friends, acquaintances, and complete strangers. I appreciate that.
I know a lot of you are reading these posts as somewhat-automatically updated Notes on my Facebook page - which I'm not frequenting too often these days - and, therefore, are probably missing out on neat stuff happening on the actual blog page. Whenever you get the chance, please visit the original site,
There are some "features" I've added since this blog began that I'd like to point out:
- There is a PayPal link that allows you to donate to our Nugget's college fund. We are not, in any way, a non-profit so this donation is not tax-deductible. I just thought it was fun way to raise money for our Nugget's college tuition. Feel free to click and donate.
- There is a RoadID button that allows you to check out and shop for a product I believe is necessary for almost anyone.
- There is a link to BabyEtte, a baby-wearing small business that is family-owned, hand-made, and awesome. Like it says on the link, we love their products! Check them out and if you buy something, tell them you heard about them from Dear Chicken Nugget. We get nothing out of it, we just want them to know how much we love telling folks about their stuff.
- And there's a bunch of other cool stuff like an embedded video of "A Social Network Christmas," a map showing where people are reading the blog, (as far away as Qatar, Japan, and Russia), a link that helps us become a Top Baby Blog, and links to other dad and parenting blogs I enjoy every now and then.
Again, thank you for reading and for your support. Keep coming back and commenting on Dear Chicken Nugget.
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago
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