Dear Chicken Nugget,
I am sick right now - just one of those Fall/Winter colds that doesn't seem to go away.
A few days ago, as I opened my medicine cabinet for some sort of relief I saw an old bottle of Vicks Vapor Rub.
I remembered the greasiness and the smell from my sickly days as a child when my mom would rub Vivaporu (that's what latinos call it) all over my chest and sometimes even wipe some on my nose. It's powerful stuff and clears up your airways pretty quickly and I remember the smell lingering on my skin and clothes for days.
So, with that memory, I took some Vivaporu out of the little jar and rubbed it all over my chest. Immediately, I felt better! Of course, four days later I'm still dealing with this cold so Vivaporu does not necessarily "cure" you but it does make you feel better. I guarantee it.
It also makes me smell like my grandpa, your great grandpa, Bolivar Santiago. My grandpa was a firm believer that Vivaporu could cure absolutely anything. Cough? Vivaporu! Stuffy nose? Vivaporu! Sore muscles? Vivaporu! Arthritis? Vivaporu! Bad cut or open wound? Vivaporu! Toe fungus? Belly ache? Headache? Hemorrhoids? Oh yes, Vivaporu!
I remember my grandpa having little bottle of Vivaporu on his nightstand, in his chest of drawers, and sometimes, in a plastic bag that he used to carry all his important papers.
I have to admit, I do feel better rubbing on the Vivaporu, even if it hasn't cured me. I'll make sure that when you're old enough, you'll get to experience the magic of Vick's Vapor Rub. And maybe some day, when we both have a cold, we'll both walk around with greasy, mentholy chests and smelling like Great Grandpa.
Eternally yours,
Tu papa
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago
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