Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Santiago Romeo is born

your mom, Wendy, and you, Santiago Romeo, our chicken nugget

Dear Chicken Nugget,

So, it turns out you look nothing like a chicken nugget!  We finally met you in person when you were born at home at 12:33pm on September 6th, 2010 - Labor Day (you have a great sense of humor, apparently).

We were six days over our due date but most first babies are a week and a day late.  Still, we tried everything that they say you should try to induce labor - walking, spicy foods, etc.  But, I'm happy to report that a family secret came through! 

Your great gradndma Lorene had rhubarb pie the day before your grandpa Dale was born.  Your grandma Sue had rhubarb pie the day before your Aunt Sara was born.  And, your Aunt Sara had rhubarb pie the day before your cousin Timothy was born.

We got lucky and our friends Kim and Jordan found a strawberry rhubarb pie at a farm in NJ and brought it over for us on Sunday.  Whoa!

Your mom's Braxton Hicks contractions became more regular throughout the day, coming as frequently as four in an hour, and then transitioned into "real" contractions at around 10pm Sunday night.  It was a little scary at first, trying to get my bearings, figuring out who to call, timing contractions, etc, but talking to our incredible midwife, Miriam Schwarzschild, put me at ease.  She told us to try and get some sleep and keep her updated. 

We "slept" as best we could but contractions were coming every five to thirteen minutes throughout the night.  Your mom slept through a series of them but mostly found herself nodding off in between contractions.  I slept when your mom slept and was awake when your mom was awake. 

When we finally got out of bed at 6:30am, contractions came on hard and fast - every four minutes.  By 7:30am when one of our doulas Dahlyt dropped by, the contractions were coming every two minutes. 

We got your mom into the birth tub and that seemed to slow things down for a bit.  Our second doula Paola came in to help.  Miriam, our midwife, came to assess the situation and she saw that your mom was in active labor. 

Your mom labored for five hours in the birth tub.  By 11:45am or so she started to push and by 12:33pm you came up from the water and looked into your mom's eyes.  You seemed confused about the eviction from your cozy studio apartment.  You weighed in at 5lbs15oz, measured 19.5 inches, and had a head full of dark hair.

We definitely could not have done this without the amazing support of our doulas, Dahlyt and Paola.  Whenever I needed to step away for whatever reason, they were there.  They knew so many comfort measures that your mom loved and were able to take lots of pictures for us.  They helped clean up, made us lunch, and made sure that your mom was all settled before they left. 

Miriam Schwarzschild, our midwife, was a rock.  Whenever I had any doubts I looked at Miriam and I knew that everything was under control and, even more, that things were going great.

Being a part of your birth was surreal, intense, and beautiful.  It's the hardest thing your mom has ever done and the hardest thing I've ever experienced with someone.  But, everything went incredibly well, you're healthy, and you're beautiful.

Of course, my hero forever is your mom.  She worked so hard for you.  She is the strongest person I know.  And I love her.  I know you do too.

Welcome to our world, nugget!  I love you!

Watching you nap,

Tu papa


  1. We've all been waiting for you.
    For you.
    Your arrival has been marked, has been recorded
    on earth,
    in the universe,
    in the galaxies,
    in all of space,
    in all of time.

    Every Blessing and Love

  2. Dude, we love you.
    Un gran abrazo a los tres y estamos felices de que Santi haya llegado.
    Y si, Wendy es la persona más fuerte del mundo. Todo lo que hizo y todo lo que la mantuvo fiel a su concepto de maternidad es algo que siempre admiraré, y a tí por apoyarla durante todo el proceso.
    Cariños desde la Capital.
    Y Santiago tiene un gran nombre.
    Los queremos.
