Dear Chicken Nugget,
I'm not sure how long we'll live in Astoria or even in the apartment where we hope to be when you join us, but I have to tell you one of the reasons we love this place: right across the street is a wonderful restaurant called Vesta.
It's an Italian restaurant, locally owned, where they use local ingredients and free-range antibiotic-free stuff. But, more importantly, it's delicious.
My favorite dessert ever, EVER, is something they call the Baby Jesus cake. The name was chosen when they were first taste-testing the cake and the first comment about it was, "Baby Jesus, that's good!" The name stuck.
So last night, your mom and I are having dinner and our server walks over and says, "The Baby Jesus is coming."
We were caught off guard, first, because we hadn't ordered one. The owner, knowing us very well, ordered one for us. And, second, because the phrasing was great. "The Baby Jesus is coming."
Your mom looked at each other and laughed.
One day when you're old enough we hope to bring you to Vesta so you can enjoy some Baby Jesus cake. Maybe the Baby Jesus will be there too...
Love always,
Tu papa
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago
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