Dear Chicken Nugget,
Tonight my good friend Bob helped me to paint your room. I sent your mom away to stay with friends for the evening so that she didn't have to breathe in the fumes that come from paint. So, two good friends got to work and painted the room.
It becomes more real every day that you are on your way. With just ten weeks left until your estimated time of arrival, I'm getting more and more excited.
Today at work, my colleagues threw a surprise Wedding Shower x 2 for weddings coming up amongst our staff and a Baby Shower x 2 for the babies that are joining us soon. It was great to hear well wishes for you and we even got some books that your mom and I will read to you when you get here, Nugget.
As Bob and I painted the walls I thought about how this was a task for the "boys" - a good bonding experience where a friend helps a friend get ready for his first child. But, it also hit me how wonderfully unbelievable it is that I'm getting a room ready for you. I'm getting your room ready. How awesome is that?
Well, Chicky, I hope you like it. I know you probably won't care much for the colors your mom and I picked; at least, not until you develop your own sense of color scheme and likes. But, I do hope that the room we're putting together for you serves you well. I hope you will have fun in that room. I hope that you'll sleep well in that room. It's yours when you're ready for it.
Getting ready for you,
Your papa
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago