Dear Chicken Nugget,
Plus, this week we've got visitors! Your Aunt Sara and cousin Timothy are here. You'll grow up hanging out with Timothy a lot because he's your cousin and you'll be pretty close in age. He was born in September of 2009 and you'll (probably) be born in September of 2010.
So, right now he's eight months old and crawling everywhere. He's exploring boxes, enjoying tasting new foods, and being as playful as can be. We've enjoyed having him at home with us for a few days because it's given us a taste of what it will be like to have you at home.

I was tired after a long day and night and barely heard the alarm go off this morning. Twice. But then I heard your cousin Timothy crying. I found him in his crib standing up and calling for attention. I picked him up and brought him to the kitchen with me. While I ate my oatmeal, Timothy ate some banana.
Even though I was really tired from the previous day, having that breakfast time with little Timothy had my day off to a great start.
I know your Aunt Sara probably won't like me saying this, but I'm kind of looking forward to hearing Timothy cry tomorrow morning. I'd love to have breakfast with him again. Just me, Timothy Andrew, and the banana.
Can't wait to have breakfast with you, little nugget,
Your papa
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