Monday, May 31, 2010

on sleep

Dear Chicken Nugget,

As I write this, your mom is already in bed.  I'm still up like I typically am. I usually stay up later than your mom.  Not because I'm working on something important, though in this case, I'm writing you a letter and that is very important - no, I usually stay up later because I'm trying to answer the questions floating around in my head.

I'm sure a therapist could help me resolve my need to answer questions late at night, but for now, has been a tremendous help.

But, this is not about your dad's obsessive need to know everything.  This is about sleep.  Your mom gets plenty.  I get less than desired amounts of sleep.

It's partly a habit that I developed in High School.  Back then, I would sleep five to six hours a night and manage pretty well.  On the weekend I would sleep in and get back on track.  The five to six hours of sleep habit continued through college and into my early teaching career.  Then, around my mid-twenties something happened.  I started getting older.

Though I could still function on six or fewer hours of sleep, I started realizing that seven to eight hours was even better.  All my aches and pains and fatigue went away when I slept more.  How about that?

Then, as I entered my late twenties and, now, my thirties I could no longer function on six hours of sleep.  Now, six hours is a bad thing.  I need eight hours.

Why do I tell you all this, chicky?  Because I hope you're smarter than your dad.  I hope you learn early on that sleep is a good thing and that getting lots of it is not only good for your health but good for your soul.

Be more like mom, Chicken Nugget - get your sleep!

Heading to bed,

Your papa

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