Pictures of Nugget

This is my interpretation of what you might look like at Week 8 in the Belly.

I call it the Smurf Baby.

Week 9: The Pug

Week 9: The real deal (aka, Chicken Nugget)

Week 10: The Alien Baby

Week 11: The Pointy Butt Baby

Week 12: The Villainous Mastermind Baby

Week 13: The Happy Old Man Baby

Week 14: The Buddha Baby

At this point you started growing too fast for me to keep up my Post-It Note interpretations.

So, we fast forward to Week 20 in the Belly...

The Face

The real nugget is here - born on September 6th, 2010


Chicken Nugget at 1 month

Chicken Nugget at 2 months

Chicken Nugget at 3 months

Chicken Nugget at 4 months

Chicken Nugget at 5 months with Grandma Betty

Chicken Nugget at 6 months

Chicken Nugget at 7 months

Chicken Nugget at 8 months

Chicken Nugget at 9 months

Chicken Nugget at 10 months (after teepeeing the bathroom)