Dear Chicken Nugget,
I shared the following with some friends who were asking how it was possible that your mom and I could train for a triathlon eating a plant-based diet. There's a common misconception that plant-based diets lack protein. But the reality is plants have lots of protein with the added benefit of lacking cholesterol.
Here's what I wrote:
I was sent a message last night asking how I could possibly do what I was doing on a plant-based diet, specifically how do I get enough protein. My answer is pretty simple: eat lots and make most of what you eat whole grains, veggies, and fruit. You will get more than enough of what you need if you eat a variety of plant foods.
Of course, I'm lucky, I have a wife who agrees with me nutritionally and together we make some incredible healthy dishes so there's never the temptation of watching her eat fried chicken with a side of fries.
Today in Week 2 of Triathlon training I woke up to swim for 30 minutes, after lunch I did five sets of pushups totaling 68, and tonight I ran for 40 minutes. Plus somewhere in between all that I did some work, read the newspaper, took Santiago (that's you Nugget) on an hour and a half walk, and went to the dentist. Granted this is during my summer vacation, but during the school year I would pretty much be doing the same thing, minus the swimming.
So, pretty busy day, how to fuel it was the question:
1 slice Whole Wheat Organic Bread with crunchy almond butter and a drizzle of honey
2 glasses of water
Went swimming (30 minutes)
Walked with Santiago in the stroller for an hour and a half
Breakfast 2:
Brooklyn Bagel Plain with a schmear of soy cream cheese
3 glasses of water
Work, Read the Paper
Big Bowl of Latin Corn Soup (sweet potato, tomatoes, corn, hominy, red pepper, chili pepper, onion, garlic)
Handful of Organic Corn tortillas
1 glass of water
Work, Pushups (68)
1 glass of iskiate (water, lime juice, agave nectar, chia seeds)
Cous Cous with Lentil Salad (lentils, onions, pepper)
Bibb lettuce, tomato, cucumber salad
1 glass of water
Santi's bath, bedtime books
40 min Run
1 cup of Millet with Raisins
1 Banana
Handful of Walnuts
2 glasses of water
Total calories: about 2600
Total protein: about 75g of protein
Total cholesterol: 0
Plenty of fiber
Is my diet perfect? No. But, it's plant-based deliciousness, fuels my triathlon training, I'm never hungry, it keeps me healthy, and helps me lower my cholesterol.
I wanted to share this with you Nugget because you're the primary reason we're eating this way. My body makes too much cholesterol and my family has a history of heart-disease, diabetes, and cancer. I refuse to be a statistic.
I am plant-strong so that I can stay healthy enough to watch you grow up, God willing.
Loving you with a healthy heart,
Tu papa
Vor- und Nachteile bei Hochbeeten aus Stein
2 years ago